
Elements Of Gothic Architecture-Exterior

Elements Of Gothic Architecture-Interior

Famous Cathedrals

St. Paul Cathedral

Basillica Of St. Mary

Notre Dame


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Welcome To My Home Page

This is an informative site about Gothic Architecture and Cathedrals. It will eventually include: Photos of the most famous Cathedrals, Guides To Gothic Architecture, and a page on every Cathedral and Basicllica I have visited.

News & Updates


3-24-05: New poll added.

3-23-05: Contacts Page Added.

3-13-05: More elements of Gothic Architecture added.

3-12-05: St. Paul Cathedral, Notre Dame, and Basillica of St. Mary pages, as well as  guest book added.

3-11-05: Site is born! debutes with a home page, a guide to gothic Architecture, as well as the beginings of a famous churches section.






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Copyright 2005 Drew Frenz