Elements Of Gothic Architecture-Interior

Elements Of Gothic Architecture-Exterior

Elements Of Gothic Architecture-Interior

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Basillica Of St. Mary

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Interior Charictaristics of Gothic Architecture

  Stain Glass

One ot the most important aspects of interior decorating of cathedrals is stain glass. Most examples of Gothic architecture feature three rose windows, one at each trvercept and at the foot of the "cross". Most cathedrals also have huge stain glass windows that take up almost all the wall space (see Flying Butresses, in Elements Of Gothic Architecture-exterior).

Stained Glass at Notre Dame


One charictaistic completely unique to the Gothic style  arew thier alter coverings, these coverings, called Baldachins stand over the high altar.

Altar Covering At St. Mary's Basillica


All Gothic cathedrals feature chaples dedicated to saints. These chaples are most commonly found behind the altar and around the traversepts.

Shrine To St. Anthony at St. Paul's Cathedral


Copyright 2005 Drew Frenz